Manoj Varma was one of the contestants on the first season of Bigg Boss Malayalam, which aired from June 24, 2018, to September 30, 2018. He was a businessman by profession and entered the Bigg Boss house as one of the original housemates.
Early Exit
Manoj’s stay in the Bigg Boss house was quite short. He entered the house on Day 1 but walked out on Day 4 due to health issues. During his brief time in the house, he faced challenges and participated in various tasks and activities.
Impact and Reactions
Manoj’s sudden exit left a mark on the show and the other housemates. His departure was unexpected, and it created a stir among the viewers and the remaining contestants.
Post Bigg Boss
After his exit from the show, Manoj Varma returned to his business endeavors and has maintained a relatively low profile in the entertainment industry.
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